Practical advice

Practical tips for operating solar-charged lights
  • Choose the right location: Make sure the rechargeable lights are placed in an open area where they receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Avoid areas where sunlight is blocked or limited.

  • Clean the solar panels: Regularly clean the solar panels of dust, dirt or other deposits to maximize the use of solar energy. Clean collectors will allow the lights to charge the battery efficiently.

  • Keep the right angle: Pay attention to the angle and orientation of the solar panels. If possible, adjust them so that they face south and receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

  • Avoid shadows: Make sure the fixtures are positioned in such a way that they are not covered by shadows, trees or other objects that can block sunlight. This will ensure good absorption of solar energy.

  • We recommend using products with solar batteries in the warm season, because in the winter period, due to the low amount of sunlight during the day, the battery of the decoration does not have the opportunity to charge properly, so the education time will be significantly shorter.

  • For optimal performance, we recommend replacing the flashlight's rechargeable batteries every year. Because all rechargeable batteries work optimally only for a limited number of charging cycles, ie with each charging the battery wears out and the battery capacity decreases.