• How can I order a product from the S&V DECOR store?  
  • To order a product, simply visit our online store and select the desired product. Add it to your cart and follow the order confirmation instructions.  
  • What payment methods do we accept?  
  • We accept various payment methods such as credit/debit cards, bank transfer and electronic payment methods. Choose your preferred payment method when ordering.  
  • What is the shipping policy?  
  • We provide different delivery methods including courier services and postal services. Delivery time and costs depend on the method you choose and your location. Please see our website for more information on our shipping policy.
  • Do you accept international orders?  
  • Yes, we also accept international orders. International shipping times and costs may vary by country of delivery. Please contact us for more information before placing an international order.  
  • What if the product is damaged or does not meet my expectations?  
  • If you notice product damage or discrepancies, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. We will try to find the right solution and help you.  
  • Do you accept returns?  
  • Yes, we accept returns according to our return policy. Please refer to our return policy and procedure on our website or contact us for more details.  
  • What if I have questions or need additional information?  
  • If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us via e-mail or telephone listed in the "Contacts" section of our website. Our team will be happy to help you.  
We hope this FAQ has answered your questions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing the S&V DECOR store!